Computer Science Dept. Czars

Kitchen Czar


The kitchen czars are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the third and fourth floor kitchens (plus the PhD lounge fridge), keeping both spaces organized and sanitary for the community's use. Because both spaces see heavy use, this position is quite time-intensive, and we ideally have 2 to 3 kitchen czars to spread out the work and make it more manageable for each individual.

Duties relating to cleanliness are as follows: Twice per day (after lunch and before leaving at the end of the day), a kitchen czar should wipe down the counter, toss food items that look to be at risk of going bad, check for and dispose of empty food trays (cleaning them first so they can be recycled rather than landfilled) and wash/put away any permanent servingware that has been used. In addition to these, at least once a week a kitchen czar should also wash the microwave's glass plate and dome cover, and replace the kitchen sponges.

Duties relating to overall organization include sure any unannounced food is posted to the vultures channel on slack, refrigerating items that need it, breaking down empty coffee boxes, and turning the ice-maker on or off as needed. These checks should all happen twice per day. To help with organization, kitchen czars should also regularly put up and replace signage to remind people where things go.

Finally, in addition to the regularly scheduled duties described above, kitchen czars should always be prepared to respond to immediate maitenance needs as needed. Common examples include clearing up the sink with drano if it is backed up and filling up the dish and hand soap when close to empty. Supplies for cleaning will be readily available under the sink in the kitchen; kitchen czars should liaise with Randy from maintenance to ensure these are always stocked. These supplies are available to anyone that leaves a mess and are looking for a way to clean up after themselves. For needs that are beyond the ability of the available cleaning supplies, kitchen czars should file a facilities ticket.

NOTE: While the kitchen czar duties are nominally separate from those of the espresso czar, the two positions should nevertheless try to coordinate with each other.

Current Czar

Past Czars

Last updated December 8th, 2022